Monday, August 8, 2011

Today , I'll make stuffed mushrooms !


 Let's put  the ingredients together:
- 10 mushrooms
- feta cheese
- Parmesan
-2 tbspoons of yogurt
-a few olives
-half of small  yellow onion
-2 cloves of garlic
-a pinch of red chili powder

First we need to wash the mushrooms and then cut the stems off of the mushrooms and let them dry for 15 minutes. Afterwards chop the stems, onion and garlic in small pieces and place in a frying pan with some olive oil until it gets soft. When it is ready take the pan from the heat. Mix it with feta cheese, olive pieces, yogurt, parsley, red chili powder, paprika, salt. After all the work, let's fill each mushroom with the mixture that we've made. After we are done filling up the mushrooms, let's sprinkle some Parmesan cheese  and small pieces of feta cheese on top of it , and place it in the oven for about 30 minutes.(set the temp at 350 degrees).
 When these guys:) are ready place in a plate .
 Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Enjoy it    Pofta buna

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